Are you ready?
Name of your course.
What is your course about. In viridi valle, in silenti valle. Ubi flores parvi crescunt. Ibi murmurat aqua alba.
I am Ready!
Are you a (person, entrepreneur, etc) who is ...... ?
Relate to the problems of your reader.
- Relate to problem 1. Ut singulos flores irrigent, etiam minimos. Et in cacumine montis acuminati. Ubi arbores robustae crescunt.
- Relate to problem 2. t singulos flores irrigent, etiam minimos. Et in cacumine montis acuminati. Ubi arbores robustae crescunt.
- Relate to problem 3. t singulos flores irrigent, etiam minimos. Et in cacumine montis acuminati. Ubi arbores robustae crescunt.
- Relate to problem 4. t singulos flores irrigent, etiam minimos. Et in cacumine montis acuminati. Ubi arbores robustae crescunt.
Then you've come to the right place.
Join the course
Just image yourself after this course!
By the end of this course you will have:
What are the benefits of working with you?
Benefit 1
You will no longer ibi flagellat ventus impetu acerbo et saevus.
Benefit 2
You could finally ibi fulgur rubrum colit. Et scindit in fragore tonitruo, maiora.
Benefit 3
You know. Et scindit in fragore tonitruo, maiora. Sursum, deorsum, in montibus et valle.
Benefit 4
You can now ibi flagellat ventus impetu acerbo et saevus.
Benefit 5
You will have ly ibi fulgur rubrum colit. Et scindit in fragore tonitruo, maiora.
Benefit 6
You crafted et scindit in fragore tonitruo, maiora. Sursum, deorsum, in montibus et valle.
But most off all
Tell your readers how they will experience your course and how their lives will look after they have finished your course.
Something to look forward to.
"Working with London has been such a great pleasure! First of all, but also... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. I just wished I'd found London years ago!"
Janine Doe
Name of your course
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.
Name of your course
See what others experienced
This is what is inside!
In this section you can describe all the items you cover in your course. Show your readers how much value is included!
Module 1: Name of your module
Module 2: Name of your module
Module 3: Name of your module
Module 4: Name of your module
Module 5: Name of your module
Plus all these extra Bonusses!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.
- Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus.
- Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.
- Tamen semper maneo, secundum desiderium meum, minimus!
You can add the value of your extra bonusses to emphasize it's extra value.
So you'll get all of this
In this part you give a recap or your course.
Name of your course
Of course I understand you might wonder about the "what if".
Just remember you..... (repeat what your students will achieve if)
To help you overcome any doubt, I give you the guarantee that if you're not completely satisfied within .. days after you embarked on this course, you'll ......
Do you have any burning questions left?
Type down the frequently asked questions and answers in this grid.
Describe question 1
Describe question 2
Describe question 3
Describe question 4
Having doubts?
Repeat the problem of you readers. Let them know they are not the only one. Let them know they are not alone.You/ your course can help them.
You believe they have the right mindset. They can do this
Longer waiting will not solve the problem and there will never be a perfect time to start. Repeat your guarantee.
So why not start today?